Rep. John W. Rose | Rep. John W. Rose Official Website
Rep. John W. Rose | Rep. John W. Rose Official Website
Washington, DC—Wednesday, U.S. Rep. John Rose (R-TN) reaffirmed his commitment to rein in irresponsible Washington spending and voted against the Biden-McCarthy debt ceiling deal.
Rep. Rose made the following statement after the vote:
“I came to Congress to stop Washington’s reckless and out-of-control spending of our hard-earned taxpayer dollars. The time to do this isn’t tomorrow, next year, or next Congress—it’s now. This bill continues the spending addiction of Washington Democrats by essentially giving them the blank check they crave and saddles our children with even more debt. The people I represent overwhelmingly asked that I oppose the bill. I could not in good conscience support this legislation.”
In April, Representative Rose voted in favor of House Republicans’ reasonable, responsible, sensible debt-ceiling legislation, the Limit, Save, Grow Act, which would have raised the debt ceiling and saved taxpayers $4.8 trillion over the next ten years. President Biden and Senate Democrats delayed negotiations and refused to debate the bill, bringing the country dangerously close to its first-ever default. The bill that ultimately passed Wednesday is expected to extend the debt ceiling through 2025.
U.S. Representative John Rose is currently serving his third term representing Tennessee’s Sixth Congressional District and resides in Cookeville with his wife, Chelsea, and their two sons, Guy and Sam. The Sixth District includes Cannon, Clay, Cumberland, DeKalb, Fentress, Jackson, Macon, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, Smith, Sumner, Trousdale, Van Buren, and White counties as well as portions of Davidson, Scott, Warren, and Wilson counties. Representative Rose is an eighth-generation farmer, small business owner, and attorney, and currently serves on the House Financial Services Committee and House Agriculture Committee.
Original source can be found here.